大高雄電子商圈/專題報導 2011/11/07
Jye-Heng Industry Ltd.–Taiwan Customized Wooden Picture Frames with High Quality.
Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is a famous wooden picture frame factory. Established in the 1980s, it is now one of the most popular wooden picture frame manufacturers in the world. For the past 30 years, Jye-Heng has always insisted on providing high-quality picture frames from woods which were proven the high-end materials. What’s more, Jye-Heng took strict control during the process of production.
Due to “the high-quality only” strategy makes Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. win customers’ heart. Nowadays, customers from Europe, America, and Japan all come to Taiwan in person to take order. In the near future, Jye-Heng Industry Ltd. plans to put more emphasis on Internet Marketing. With the help of Internet Marketing from Come Best International CO., LTD, Jye-Heng is going to expand their market to the whole world.
Related Coverage
JYE HENG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 《taiwan picture frames,picture frame factory,wooden picture frames》
TEL: +886-7-7312727
FAX: +886-7-7312735
Add:No.3, Lane 7, Renmei Rd., Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County 83344, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
FAX: +886-7-7312735
Add:No.3, Lane 7, Renmei Rd., Niaosong Township, Kaohsiung County 83344, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
A康傑刊登報導服務:07-5582965 |